NodeSource announces N|Solid 3.1

Posted on Wednesday, April 4, 2018 by RICHARD HARRIS, Executive Editor

NodeSource has announced the availability of N|Solid 3.1, a Node.js platform developed to help users build, manage, secure and analyze Node.js applications. N|Solid 3.1 features a powerful new debugging tool to help identify memory leaks, improved customization opportunities, and the ability to accommodate a larger variety of customer networks and configurations.

N|Solid 3.1 introduces a feature that allows teams to more quickly identify memory leaks: cross-process snapshot diffs. In addition, new visualization features help ascertain processes with similar performance metrics and behavior. And, for users who manage their application data with InfluxDB, The platform offers support for customer-managed InfluxDB clusters. This expanded functionality and greater flexibility empower teams to deliver peak performance and optimize infrastructure usage.

“Being the leader in the Node.js community gives us unique insights into challenges that users face, especially those with large-scale deployments,” said NodeSource Founder and CEO Joe McCann. 'Memory leaks are a major challenge because they can cause runaway infrastructure costs and lead to application outages. Other critical challenges are debugging and data visualization, which affect security and performance. N|Solid 3.1 overcomes all of them.”

Key enhancements of N|Solid 3.1 include:

  • Cross-process snapshot diffing: N|Solid 3.1 is the only enterprise-grade product to provide this functionality. Until now it was only available in Chrome Dev Tools and some limited Node.js packages.

  • Scatterplot manipulation: These axes can be set to log/exponential scales, which helps disambiguate processes that are too closely clustered together (i.e., have similar metric profiles). This gives users more control over the way their data is presented.

  • Customer-managed InfluxDB cluster support: This feature allows for higher availability of the N|Solid metrics data and outside access of the metrics data directly from InfluxDB.

“Many of these N|Solid enhancements support ever-larger and mission-critical deployments of Node.js at enterprise organizations,” continued McCann. “Version 3.1 empowers teams to deliver value faster thanks to features that streamline Node.js development and help decrease time to issue resolution.”

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